cause when i ride with you, i feel my love renewed
Soul Restruct is a sci-fi action yuri visual novel. Grey, a retail worker with a journalistic eye for beauty in the mundane, gets brought into the exploits of the elementally-powered “New Six.”
As the newly-appointed chronicler of this team, Grey follows along to discover the meaning of civilian disappearances caused by a horde mechanical beasts, and the ambitions of the Tyrants in control of them. (all screenshots not final)
@teffiniwynn is the lead writer, producer, and director on Soul Restruct! Els White has been a great help co-writing. Studio Coattails is handling voice casting and Syon Santeria the direction! We’ll do character and cast reveals over the coming days.
We’re aiming to have a demo, and sometime afterward a crowdfunding campaign, in 2024! Stay tuned for further developments.
You can follow along the game’s page as well!
We’ve also opened a Patreon if you want to support us in advance and receive extra development tidbits!
Not only that, but @jamiepaige has also released a single featuring the main theme of Soul Restruct – Love Renewed, with album art by @reverieque! Grab it here!