consider the sperm whale and the squid. an ancient rivalry that dates back millions of years. we know the whales eat the squids. we know the squids do not make it easy for them. we know this because of the scars the whales carry, scars on the outside of their body, and on the inside as well. how badly must you want something to endure wounds inside your mouth? inside your gut?
consider the whale, who is harmed by what sustains her. consider the squid, whose flesh is soft and delicious but refuses to go down easy.
This post is about lactose intolerance I can smell it.
second of all this lady is. look this lady is insane. there’s no easy way to say this. she’s not well and she’s been doing shit like this for decadeS. none of this is true. if you platform her you have done harm. here is a single example. many more exist.
You have done literally zero research into this after saying that. Guy literally went to the President of the US saying nukes should be banned:
The US government was so scared about Oppenheimer’s opposition to the hydrogen bomb, that he then got dragged before the House Un-American Activities Committee and had his security clearance revoked, (in a decision later vacated but the US government– after his death) effectively ending his career.
Am I saying he’s a good person? No.
But actual recorded history paints far more nuance than what you think.
Those aren’t my tags, or the tags of the person who commented above you in the thread…? It’s fine if you want to respond to those tags, but you should be clear about whose they are.
the person I am commenting about does not need any more visibility or reach
second of all this lady is. look this lady is insane. there’s no easy way to say this. she’s not well and she’s been doing shit like this for decadeS. none of this is true. if you platform her you have done harm. here is a single example. many more exist.
You have done literally zero research into this after saying that. Guy literally went to the President of the US saying nukes should be banned:
The US government was so scared about Oppenheimer’s opposition to the hydrogen bomb, that he then got dragged before the House Un-American Activities Committee and had his security clearance revoked, (in a decision later vacated but the US government– after his death) effectively ending his career.
Am I saying he’s a good person? No.
But actual recorded history paints far more nuance than what you think.
Our grand opening of our new Tumblr page! Here’s a short introduction to our art. We are two artists starting out in the business world. We love both creepy and cute and we’ll jump between the two as inspiration strikes! Stay tuned for more art and information about our upcoming tables!
In World of Warcraft, certain effects are listed in the general area chat for any player in your area on your server.
Today while I was playing, I was apparently near a player with a toon named Misery. The chat informed me that “Misery appears to be sobering up” and can I just say … BIG. FUCKING. MOOD.