A humanoid design for @svenderthings // of a old dragon adopt I did//
while i understand where people are coming from i think its funny when people romanticize the old internet
“the internet now is so damaging to kids”
remember when it was like extremely easy to accidentally stumble upon beheading videos
i love the tags on this post because it’s a mix of people acting like im exaggerating and people being like “i watched 1 guy 1 jar at a slumber party when i was 10 years old”
Speaking with the benefit of having been exposed to both beheading videos and 2girls1cup as a tween, I don’t think anyone is arguing the old internet was some kind of halcyon age with no problems- it’s that the problems were different, and they could largely be avoided by developing good habits on an individual basis
I, for example, learned not to click links from unfamiliar sources, and that if I did, I might see weird porn. And if I didn’t feel comfortable potentially seeing weird porn, I didn’t click unfamiliar links. Also, I didn’t know a single adult who thought the internet was safe for kids. When I got left alone with the computer it was because I got old enough to sneak around
The modern internet is largely bad in institutional ways that are impossible to avoid without a doctorate in computer security or becoming a mole person. The way data harvesting and algorithms damage kids, the way parents have been conditioned to think parts of the internet are somehow ‘kid-friendly’- I think there’s a clear difference between those things, and I know which one worries me more

Noodle time.
I’m only sorta doing Monster March just because I’ve got the unfair advantage Tev’s been a third of the things on the list, but I couldn’t resist the 3rd’s “Dragon”

Sketch page of my boy from GIUMS1 over on twitter!
@chrisyakuzacrazed Asked for some dragon horns! So here’s a few of my fav’s you’ll see me using~
With some basic how-to’s~ Honestly just have fun with them! Take references from a bunch of animals and slap em all together! I usually pick the horns based on what the beasty/dragon is doing! If it is around lava and a lot of rocks, I give em ram or rockbreaker horns. Big thick boys, not easily fractured
If they are more stream line, i give them aerodynamic styles, swing-back horns to reduce drag when flying or fighting~ You dont want a solid set of horns on your head if your supposed to be speedy~
All in all, Just have fun :> Hope this helps!