Month: February 2023




My only problem with the concept of “gender is a spectrum” is I’m afraid that means the US government will put the FCC in charge of it.

This is… a great idea? I’d have to have a W prefix b/c I live east of the Mississippi but I’m OK with that.

The new gender binary: when the FCC takes over allocating the gender spectrum, would they assign you a callsign beginning with W or K?

Oh that could get complicated.

Back in my home town our TV station started out as WOAI-TV, then switched to KMOL, after they were no longer owned by the same company, then then BACK to WOAI-TV when they got re-acquired.



Thinking about delivery person that TF’s into cheetah boy when on the job…

The note to please keep your dog controlled when you sign up for the express delivery service isn’t because the delivery person is scared of dogs per se, it’s just that dogs don’t tend to go for the big cat carrying your parcel


Commission forĀ  @tevruden !!!