my keyboard is getting dangerously close to ready. I just discovered a MINOR issue, where it thinks shift is down all the time.
fixed the caps issue. then realized that because of the physical layout of the keyboard, I technically have to mount some of the keyswitches SIDEWAYS.
forgive me for my keyboard sins
fuck me why did I design a keyboard that requires 4 and a half hands and a bunch of specialized tools to put together? why did I think this was a good idea
and now one of my keyswitches has died and I’m gonna have to disassemble and repair it.
it’s only the “f” key. We can’t have a new keyboard by that internet weirdo, OONE B. TURING
OHMYGOD it’s my own fault. it’s not even hardware. it’s a software fault
prisoner’s dilemma: two collaborators are kept in separate rooms. if both betray the other, they each serve 5 years in prison. if one betrays the other but the other stays silent, the betrayer walks free and the betrayed serves 10 years. if both remain silent, they each serve a lesser charge of 2 years in prison. in short:
if you chose to betray, and “stay silent” wins, you walk free (you betrayed the poll majority and they stayed silent)
if you chose to stay silent, and “stay silent” wins, you serve 2 years (lesser charge, where both stay silent)
if you chose to betray, and “betray the other person” wins, you serve 5 years (you both betrayed each other)
if you chose to stay silent, and “betray the other person” wins, you serve 10 years (you were betrayed by the other)