Now there’s a giant gap in trained specialists with nobody to replace soon-to-be retirees which leads to outsourcing of a lot of jobs, ESPECIALLY blue collar ones
Because why bother getting an education, doing an apprenticeship and working hard manual labor all your life when you can just go flip burgers right out of high school and live comfortably?
hey you dumb little bitch, i’ll bet you thought no one would fact check this, didn’t you?
anyways, the number of people working as employees of restaraunts has been holding steady since 2016:
and to be clear, that’s not number per capita, that’s the raw number. and given that the swedish population has been growing precipitously since 2016, [x] this means the number of food industry workers per capita has been going down since 2016. where exactly is this massive rush toward the restaraunt industry you claim is occurring?
but hey, let’s be charitable here, maybe the shift you describe had already occurred long before the chart begins- well, then in that case, we should still see a larger percentage of the population working in the food industry than, say, the usa, where “burger flippers” are paid poverty wages?
well that should be easy enough to figure out, we’ve got 101,986 restaurant industry workers in sweden, against a 10,415,811 population, for 0.979% of the population working in restaurants. now compare that to 12.1 million restaraunt workers in the usa, [x] against a population of 331.9 million, giving us….. 3.645% of the population. over 3 times higher. whoops.
not to mention your claims of workers rushing toward fast food is incongruous both with the booming tech sector in sweden, [x] while your claim that younger people in sweden aren’t bothering to get college degrees or other forms of tertiary education being contradicted by the reality that 46% of swedes between 25 and 34 have completed teriary education, in contrast to 32% between 45-54, or 30% between the ages of 55-64. for the record, 46% of 25-34 year olds have completed teriatry education in the usa, 43% for 45-54 year olds, and 41% for 55-64 year olds. an increase, but not as large as sweden’s. so, again, more empirical proof that you’re a liar.
but what really gets to me isn’t that you lie, flagrantly, and expect no one to check or notice. flagrant liars are a dime a dozen. it’s the reason that you choose to lie. all this dishonesty, just so you can tell everybody about how people just out of high school, who don’t have the money or free time to invest in college or trade school, don’t deserve to “live comfortably”. not that they don’t deserve to live extravagantly, not that they don’t deserve to live extravagantly, no, that they don’t deserve to live comfortably, that average regular working class people deserve to live in discomfort, that single moms just out of high school- and their children- deserve to live uncomfortable, unhappy lives.
i can’t even fathom the kind of utter rot of the soul must have taken root within you for you to say that the people who cook the food you eat, build the houses you live in, weave the clothes you wear, etc, don’t deserve to feel comfort in their lives. i’ll be praying for you.