Month: October 2022



Hi people. As the boy billionaire has bought the birdsite and corporate accounts joke about moving to Tumblr, I kindly ask y’all to give the brands the treatment they deserve: silence.

Make your own posts if you wanna post bugass but do NOT engage the brands. Gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss. In containment they will wither.

#dont kung pow penis them don’t bugass them don’t L + ratio them. don’t interact with them at all (via @aropride)



up at 11 pm. feeding a horse who got surgery (2 broken molars extracted) and gets food every 4 hours. god i would like to be in bed but i am feeding this fucking horse and it’s 40 degrees and i’m in the wash bay adding warm water to his mash so he can have a hot midnight snack and like REALLY i am normally asleep by 10 on a good night but that’s beside the point because i am feeding this horse and i go to get the food in the washbay and there are. FAT. SLUGS. everywhere. the lord works in mysterious ways and this is truly one of the most creations he ever made

  1. you interrupted their slorgy
  2. my initial glance down at the pics when I started reading I thought those were the extracted teeth



So for everyone returning from twitter, welcome back to tumblr!

We’ve got this really rare vintage of wine in the basement, would you like to go taste it?

Don’t mind the stains in the hall, red has more positive connotations than negative…

So for everyone returning from twitter, welcome back to tumblr!

We’ve got this really rare vintage of wine in the basement, would you like to go taste it?




Dear god. please make all superyachts explode tomorrow. amen.

Fave thing about this post is that nobody who’s reblogged it so far has made any comment. we’re all just sharing in the sentiment. peace and love on planet earth

*goes back up to read my own url* yeah okay this is funny


I’m on holiday so I get down time to doodle in the evening. I’ve been awake since 2am as I drove us to my parents and I am desperately trying to stay awake. This idea popped into my head and I found it cute so I did it. LETS GO. Posting will be intermittent this week.