[ID: A tweet answered by Matthew Mercer @.matthewmercer. The original tweet by the man formerly known as Jake @.Jake70928358 reads: “hey @.matthewmercer running a game soon at my local game store from Explorer’s guide to Wildemount, and i had a question? Are there centaurs in Exandria Asking for one of my players who wants to play a Centaur Paladin” Matt’s response is “There are! Canonically in Tal’dorei. :)” /end ID]
He’s also mentioned this in Talks Machina, when they were discussing that Minotaurs and Centaurs are available for campaign 3 :3
Ohhhhh I think I do remember that! And now that c3 is upon us I know that the likelyhood of a centaur in the party is SO LOW but it is NOT ZERO and i may lose my mind if i think about it too long!!