stranglethorn-bonfire-bash: Let’s kick off the season with an exciting announcement: the Bonfire Bash is back on Wyrmrest Accord-US for its fourth year! Sparks will be flying at this summer’s beach bonanza. Whether you find yourself chilling with your companions or caught up
Let’s kick off the season with an exciting announcement: the Bonfire Bash is back on Wyrmrest Accord-US for its fourth year!
Sparks will be flying at this summer’s beach bonanza. Whether you find yourself chilling with your companions or caught up in the competition, this sizzling soiree is bound to entertain and delight!
Day 1: Friday, July 26th 4:00 PM server time
☀️ Hope you’re not afraid of heights: the jumping cliffs of Stranglethorn aren’t for the faint of heart! 🐠 Bassball’s back with thrilling action and lucrative prizes! An RP-PvP throwdown for all levels of skill 🐚 New team-based contests: egg toss challenge and three-legged race
Day 2: Saturday, July 27th 4:00 PM server time
🍉 Take a crack at our Melonbane tournament and see if you’ve got the thighs to claim the title for the year 🌊 He’thraze returns with a twist! Can you best Obasi’s waves for a chance at glory and fabulous rewards? Hosted by Zun’alin! ⚓️ Take a deep breath and dive into the lagoon for treasure hunting 🥇 Our competition ends with a blowout game of tug-of-war to decide which team will take the fame – and which one takes the fall
News for 2019: we’re turning up the heat! Pick a team, choose your look, and stay tuned for more information on STVBB’s first Art Fight at the start of June!
Our exact locations for the two days of festivities are below the cut. As usual, be sure to use the #STVBB tag to share your writing and art. Stay cool, bashgoers!