Month: October 2018

liarcleo: mchanzo week and costumes! well u know overwatch is really extra with their looks like always, plus this and jack cant handle them 


mchanzo week and costumes! well u know overwatch is really extra with their looks like always, plus this and jack cant handle them 

gudroo:this post is so fucked up because whenever it comes up on my dash i will without fail spend at least 30 seconds dragging a sponge around my screen like an idiot. no matter how many times i see this post it still gets me and now im about to do it again for good measure


this post is so fucked up because whenever it comes up on my dash i will without fail spend at least 30 seconds dragging a sponge around my screen like an idiot. no matter how many times i see this post it still gets me and now im about to do it again for good measure

acekeith: Is there a point to these questions?


Is there a point to
these questions?


me: immune system why do i have a fever

immune system: well the bacteria can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long so i thought i’d raise the temperature to kill them off!


immune system:


immune system:

me: we also can’t survive outside 37 degrees for long

immune system:

menethiil: ms-winford: Last call for snacks and drinks was a great time to meet a few last people! OH HEY @tevruden @itsjustbeek @crow-bait it us!



Last call for snacks and drinks was a great time to meet a few last people!

OH HEY @tevruden @itsjustbeek @crow-bait it us!

blackberreh-art: blackberreh-art: Wip!!!! Lines are done for the orc dragonflight and nightborne dragonflight~!!! Now I need to work out colours lol Orc colours are down!! May change them when I get to details x’’D



Wip!!!! Lines are done for the orc dragonflight and nightborne dragonflight~!!! Now I need to work out colours lol

Orc colours are down!! May change them when I get to details x’’D