The Dead Man’s Party event was a smashing success! I’m floored by how many people took interest and attended, and even more astounded that it was so positively regarded. Thank you so, so much to everyone who came and had a good time, Undercity couldn’t have asked for a better send-off!
A HUGE extra-special thank you to the staff that made it possible, because without their help and support I couldn’t have pulled this off;
@kottkrig came to me after the spontaneous get-together I hosted and was the one who prompted me to host DMP! She played a huge role in helping me get everything together, suggesting songs and menu items, boosting the party, doing the promo art, and so much more! Thank you so much!
@captain-gallowsfall was kind enough to help co-host, making things even smoother during prep and the event, especially with shouldering the task of getting everyone phased into WrA! You’re a doll!
@rask-the-rogue is a dear friend and offered to bartend for the event, and did a stellar job at it! Thank you for taking on that daunting role!
@yung-rage was one of our servers; although you couldn’t stay long, your help was deeply appreciated!
Last but certainly not least, the rest of our servers, Stumblr, Gronn, Isabelle, Flannerey, and Loira– you guys were crucial to the event’s success and I thank you SO much for your help attending the guests! You guys are so wonderful and I hope lasting friendships come from this!
And of course, to all the guests and enthusiasts who made prep and the party itself such a coffin-rattling good time–