so, i gathered just a handful testimonials from replies and messages revealing just how unprofessional they are with their commission work by leaving their commissioners in silence for months. do not commission ghost-oakes unless you want to wait for months, watching them pump out other commissions and art while you twiddle your thumbs
i have my own testimonial too: i had tried to order a holiday icon back when they were offering them. weeks went by and i heard nothing, no updates. all the while, they were creating gift icons for friends for free and other such art. when i finally did hear back, the holidays were over and i still got no visual progress (but i was told it was being worked on). they said they would finish it in a week – nothing. i asked them about it again, another week – still nothing. it wasn’t until i threatened to backdraft them (which in most cases i would NEVER do, but i felt it was my only option) that i got my money back.
God, the amount of people who have mentioned getting no or rushed work from him after needling him for months. He’s apparently now blocking some people he owes.
On top of that— I dunno if he still has this policy, but his TOS on FA at one point said that if you filed a chargeback, he got to keep your character to sell off as an adoptable.
That’s. Insane. Especially considering his work ethic.
Dude was fully ambulatory and able to work when I knew him in 2014 (despite claiming things like cancer, kidney problems and sepsis THE WHOLE TIME… SEPSIS, which shoulda had him hospitalized or dead) and combined with a history of lying about being a victim of other events and people, I’m very skeptical of his ever-evolving health claims.
In my experience, under stress he will basically read half a sentence and decide what the second half means on his own. Fact-checking isn’t his thing when threatened. My theory is that once he has a worry or concern, it becomes reality to him, and he defends the lie because he finds comfort in having a confirmation that the world is out to get him with minimal responsibility on his part.
HOLY SHIT HE SAID WHAT IN HIS TOS???? He was literally out there setting things up so that he could steal characters??? Because of COURSE people are gonna try to chargeback after waiting MONTHS to receive what they paid for. Wow. WOW! Jesus christ I’ve known about this dude for years, its amazing how I can /still/ learn about vile shit he tries to pull.
So I dug around and apparently this is STILL in his TOS
Ghost-Oakes will take your commissions that he has no intention of fulfilling, and if you charge him back because He Is Not Doing His Job
He has set up his TOS to have the right to take your character(s) for himself to use and sell for his own profit
Ghost-Oakes will take your money, not do your commission, and then will steal your character if you attempt to get your money back
The screencap’s kinda hard to read since tumblr likes to mysteriously resize things so I archived the page.
He’s a con-artist and a thief, and not even a subtle one.
Even if it doesn’t fit your blog, please consider boosting this. Tell everyone you know. If you hear someone supporting him, shut them down. If someone’s talking about commissioning him, warn them of this. Petitions don’t do shit, the only way to stop people like this is to stop their income. Drag his reputation through the dirt until no one would even consider speaking to him. That’s the only way to end this.