I hate when bird parents get mad at me for rescuing their children.
Don’t want me touching your kid? Fine, YOU crawl down there and use YOUR super-dexterous hands with opposable thumbs to gently lift your son out of this window-well. Oh, you can’t do that? Then shut up and stop swooping me, you ungrateful leftover dinosaurs.
I wanted to take this opportunity to create a blog solely dedicated to my work, so newcomers and mobile users wont have to scroll endlessly to see any sort of art. Additionally, I’ll be away for the entirety of July and August, so I’ll put up a queue of my old art to my new artblog.
Do you like WoW? Do you like Dragons? How about Dragons in WoW? Well there is a Discord now for you! Scalebound! Come and chat, make friends, and have fun with other Dragon RPers in WoW and/or those who RP alongside them! Come and join us over at Scalebound! Put an end to hiding and fly free among your brothers and sisters.
To explain, it was brought up in the Wyrmrest Discord that there was really no place for Dragon folk to hang out together, and discuss dragon stuff.
This discord is for more than Dragon RPers of course, it’s for folks who just support Dragon RPers, and wouldn’t mind RPing with those types/hanging out with those types!
As with any discord, if you join and happen to be a butt, we won’t hesitate to kick you. It’s a bully-free zone, meant for fun and discussion!