OH NO this year’s comic is a little too big for one post and too big for one day! The next part will be posted tomorrow!
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Part 1 is mostly about them running into Salandria, the little orphan girl from previous year’s comics. For years I drew her as a tiny baby child even though she should at least been in her teens by now, so I finally addressed that somewhat..? I say she’s 12 for no reason except that WoW timeline/elf aging makes no sense anyway so hey she’s just 12 lol. Who is Edi?? You’ll meet him soon!
Folks in my patreon know how busy I’ve been trying to get this whole thing finished and how I’ve bitten off quite a lot more than I usually do, so unfortunately I cannot post the entire comic today.. because it’s not finished yet. SO this is part 1 of 4.
Any typos or bad lines etc. happened because I am VERY tired lol.
Designed a mob in between commissions. This lil guy here is gonna be a part of a D20 event I’m hosting for my guild next month, I’m really hyped! It’ll be my first time DM’ing
We’ll be going out to the leylines in the Dead Scar and attempting to crystallize and harvest the damaged arcane within. Doing so might attract some shambling undead, and crystallizing that much arcane might get it caught to a dead ghoul and reanimate it. This ghoul is an example, empowered by arcane straight from the leylines and mana crystals stuck into it 😀
You’ve never experienced sarcasm and rebellion against the System like Hawkeye and Trapper and BJ’s sarcasm and rebellion against the System.
Do yourselves a favour and go watch this show
I fucking love MASH. Also I’m pretty sure my mom married my dad because he agreed to cover her shift at the restaurant they worked at when the series finale aired so she could stay home and watch it.