Month: May 2018

swampgallows: steblynkaagain: @swampgallows this is not the strangest thing that happened in the Nexus :D this is amazing! you paint so beautifully!



@swampgallows this is not the strangest thing that happened in the Nexus 😀

this is amazing! you paint so beautifully!

ercarp-art:A collection of my various individual artworks depicting different fantasies on high elves as a possible allied race.


A collection of my various individual artworks depicting different fantasies on high elves as a possible allied race.

faebelina: Doodled my void elf girl, Nori, dressing up, working out, and going void form. She’s a bit…Jekyll and Hyde. I only know three things about this character so far: 1. She’s not very talkative. She speaks in very short sentences, when she has to. But her void form


Doodled my void elf girl, Nori, dressing up, working out, and going void form. She’s a bit…Jekyll and Hyde.

I only know three things about this character so far:

1. She’s not very talkative. She speaks in very short sentences, when she has to. But her void form has a mouth on her XD

2. Her void form takes her over easily because she has a weaker mind. That’s why she became a monk after studying the void–to try to strengthen her willpower and find balance.

3. She doesn’t have tentacles in-game, but I imagine that’s because she tucks them away because she thinks they don’t look “presentable”, haha. 

mythprince: Celebrating Mermay with a new adoptable character event! Instead of eggs, predetermined prompts, or a calendar, I will be making free-form merfolk character designs for you to use as you like based on short descriptions from you! Maybe you’ve always dreamed of


Celebrating Mermay with a new adoptable character event! Instead of eggs, predetermined prompts, or a calendar, I will be making free-form merfolk character designs for you to use as you like based on short descriptions from you!

Maybe you’ve always dreamed of having one good fishy boy/girl/pal for your own, or you need a shimmery scaly friendo to fill a gap in your vast collection! Either way, Mermay is the perfect time of year to grab a new merfolk character!

You can use these designs for anything personal, like roleplay, or commissioned artwork. The only thing you cannot do is profit off the design in any way. Designs may be resold for the cost you paid for them, or traded for equal value.

For $50USD, I will design a character for you based on the following information:

  • Character gender:
  • Body Type:
  • 1-3 Details you’d like incorporated into the design (long hair, lots of piercings, tribal clothing, etc.)

And you will get:

  • 1 character design
  • 1 transparent version
  • 1 simple stock background version

Email me the completed form at with the subject “Mermay Adopt”. If I accept your proposal, I’ll shoot you a confirmation email and then you can send payment via Paypal or (the latter really helps me out, because has no fees!)

Feel free to message me with any questions!

fabcrabart: World of Warcraft: Children’s Week 2018 (pt 2) on Tumblr: Part 1 | [Part 2] | Part 3 | Part 4 on Tapas (full sized): Part 1 | [Part 2] | Part 3 | Part 4 Edi (pronounced like “Eddy”) is a character I’ve had for almost a year and I’m happy to finally


World of Warcraft: Children’s Week 2018 (pt 2)

  • on Tumblr: Part 1 | [Part 2] | Part 3 | Part 4
  • on Tapas (full sized): Part 1 | [Part 2] | Part 3 | Part 4

Edi (pronounced like “Eddy”) is a character I’ve had for almost a year and I’m happy to finally introduce him. He was born deaf and speaks ASL (that’s Azerothian Sign Language in this context).  Both Sig and Leon know ASL, and I imagine most adventurers in Azeroth know some form of common (re:5 fingered) sign language too.

Turns out it’s difficult to convey signing in still drawings, lots of little nuances to signals and gestures! I tried to make it clear

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Support FABCRAB! 🌺 [Patreon] • [Ko-Fi] • [Twitter] • [Tapas]

aketan:A completely self-indulgent drawing of pathfinder!Marie Vlamesh.Cleric of Desna 7, draconic bloodline sorcerer 3, dragon disciple 2.Arabella’s Snowflake’s first mate and healer.  – – -Twitter ♦ Patreon ♦ Deviantart ♦ Ko-fi ♦ Commissions


A completely self-indulgent drawing of pathfinder!Marie Vlamesh.
Cleric of Desna 7, draconic bloodline sorcerer 3, dragon disciple 2.
Arabella’s Snowflake’s first mate and healer. 

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Twitter ♦ Patreon ♦ Deviantart ♦ Ko-fi ♦ Commissions






im about to put you all through 3 levels of shock so get ready

shock level 1: vgcats is still updating

shock level 2: as well as updating the comic the artist draws furry porn for money now

shock level 3: people are apparently so horny for vgcats characters that he makes nearly $5k a month from this

reading all three of these caused me to learn a dragon shout