ZJ!Zaeth vs. WrA!Zaeth: “I’m you but more demony.” (Demonier?)
I headcannon when DHs revert from meta form, you don’t always come back exactly the same. You may be more or less demony depending on how well you put your inner demon back in its cage.
It’s safest to lock that demon up tight, but since when do DHs play it safe?
With lots of training and effort you can learn how to leave the demon out just enough to exploit its power more but not so much that it overwhelms you. It’s not an exact science and it’s extremely risky, but sometimes you just want to be extra pointy >:)
Bugs Bunny could singlehandedly defeat Thanos by dressing up as a TSA agent and setting up a metal detector in the middle of the battlefield saying that all metal objects must be removed if you want to pass on through now stick around for my 2,000 word essay on just how effectively he would convince The Mad Titan to comply
“For shame, doc! Dontcha know we got other folks waiting?”
(Thanos looks behind him and sees dozens of Bugs Bunnies dressed as angry yelling travelers with huge bags of luggage. Thanos rubs his neck guiltily and begins sliding off the gauntlet)
Green dragons are all depressed and probably eat raw baby spinach in front of their fridge
Blue dragons all had a superwholock phase, only some of them grew out of it. they all hate jk rowling
Bronze dragons are extroverts and are always chuggin brewskies
Red dragons think they’re special for preferring tea over coffee but don’t realize that nobody cares. they’re also the second horniest dragonflight (after bronze)