Month: January 2018



How Northerners Talk Temperature with Southerners 🌡

Southerner: Boy, it got cold!

[Dramatic *dum* sound]

Northerner: Cold? You don’t understand cold.

Southerner: I mean it’s colder than usual for us

Northerner: Where I’m from, this is what we call a sweltering, sweaty, hot day.

Southerner: I was just saying, compared to other days, it’s a little colder

[Background music becomes more intense with time]

Northerner: Stop sobbing and complaining to me about how freezing cold and miserable you are! You don’t know the meaning of the word miserable!

Southerner: I wasn’t

Northerner: You’re weak. You know nothing of this world. You make me sick.

[Background music stops]

Northerner: Okay, thanks for having us for the holidays! Be back soon!

transmog-hog: Quel’dorei Spellfencer For the mage-warrior who prefers to go toe-to-toe with his adversaries. Any cloth class Difficulty: Hard/Unobtainable Keep reading


Quel’dorei Spellfencer

For the mage-warrior who prefers to go toe-to-toe with his adversaries.

Any cloth class

Difficulty: Hard/Unobtainable

Keep reading


I heard if you say “Todd Coward” three times in a mirror with the lights off, Todd himself will manifest in your house and delete all your saved games.

I thought he appears and ports skyrim to your mirror.

sabvenia:when your children eat more than you


when your children eat more than you





lactose intolerant people in fiction: i can never eat dairy…i order cheese-less pizza and cry myself to sleep   

me, a real life lactose intolerant person: *chugs my 10th straight glass of chocolate milk* lmao see you in hell god

quarkmaster: Fan art Ner’zhul fan art of the great Ner’zhul from the world of warcraft. For some reason this powerful shaman is deprived of the attention of artists)) I also started the video on the creation of this character ))


Fan art Ner’zhul

fan art of the great Ner’zhul from the world of warcraft. For some reason this powerful shaman is deprived of the attention of artists)) I also started the video on the creation of this character ))