Anyone who knows me could tell you I’m no kind of artist. However, as a professional project manager, I frequently work with artists, and one of the most frequent challenges we end up dealing with is lost work due to technical issues, unforeseen circumstances, or just plain carelessness. I’ve seen projects that have lost dozens, in some cases literally hundreds of hours due to lost or damaged artwork needing to be redone – which isn’t great news for either a budget or a timeline!
Of course, this is an even bigger issue for artists who are working solo, since you typically won’t have anything to fall back on when things go south. Lost or damaged art may set back a big project’s timeline, but when you’re working for yourself, it can be an absolute show-stopper; most solo projects that suffer significant lost work never recover at all. So here’s a basic disaster mitigation and recovery plan that anybody with a working computer can set up:
1. Sign up for a Google account if you don’t already have one. The free version gets you 15GB of storage, which should be more than enough for your current projects unless you’re working with ungodly huge files; if you are, the 100GB version is only like twenty bucks a year.
2. Download and install the Google Drive sync client – I believe they’re calling it “Drive Everywhere” these days.
3. Set up a special folder on your hard drive that you’re going to keep all of your working files in, and point the sync client at that folder.
4. Configure your art program to autosave every 20 minutes or so. How exactly you do this will vary depending on the program you’re using – you can Google for instructions easily enough.
Blam. Now you have continuously updated offsite backups; hard drive crashes, lost media, or even – heaven forfend – stolen equipment will no longer wipe out your work in progress.
Plus, go into the web console for your Google Drive and right-click a file. See that menu option that says “Manage Versions”? That’s right: Google Drive keeps separate copies of every individual version of the file that’s ever existed (or for the past 30 days, if you’re using the free version). Unwittingly saved over your lineart two hours ago? Working file irrecoverably corrupted because your questionably legal copy of Photoshop barfed? No problem: just walk backwards through your version history until you find a version that’s still good.
Now, this is by no stretch of the imagination a particularly robust offsite backup and version management scheme – I’d certainly recommend additional measures for anyone who’s doing digital art as their regular paying gig – but it’s better than nothing, and it has the benefits that a. it requires no particular expertise to set up, and b. it’s free.
As a former digital artist that lost SEVEN YEARS OF WORK due to a harddrive failure, heed this wisdom!
I made a more advanced recipe here for all y’all that want something that looks more like a tide pod here, but that recipe is… intricate. So for all y’all who want just a simple detergent pod like these juicy looking packets, I’m here for you!
Two components: edible plastic and juicy inside
First, the Plastic:
2 packets (14g) Knox unflavored gelatin
6 tbsp water
Parchment paper
rectangular brownie pan
optional: ½ tbsp 7up or sprite
Boil the water, add gelatin mix (optional: add soda for flavor). Stir in until mix is completely melted. Let cool slightly. Cover brownie pan with parchment paper, and pour a very thin layer of gelatin mixture onto parchment. Place brownie pan into fridge and let sit overnight until hardened.
The next day, the juicy inside:
Obtain your favorite flavor of jello. Follow the instructions on the jello mix to make the jello, but don’t put it in the fridge. Let cool until room temperature.
Put it Together:
Remove edible plastic from the fridge and gently remove plastic from parchment. Cut into 5×2″ rectangles. Fold rectangle in half to create 2×2.5″ rectangles. Seal together long ends and use indirect heat to melt sides together. Leave the short end open. Pour room temperature jello into pouch and seal final end with indirect heat. Let cool in fridge a few hours, and then enjoy.
If any of you guys really have feelings for tide pods please use this recipe and don’t eat the real detergent pod. Stay safe friends!
…….okay but we already apparently have enough of a problem wherein people want to eat the poison candy, why would you make fake poison candy so that it looks like the real poison candy except you can eat it, therefore teaching your little inner monkey brain that yes, the poison candies is delicious and also fit for consumption by small children? Is this some kind of Darwinian exercise to weed out the weak?
Another piece long overdue to no one’s surprise. Without further adieu here’s Drydar, @mad-maddie ‘s demon hunker. I just want to publicly thank her for being so patient, putting up with my terrible work ethic over the holidays, and being such great friend to me. I have few mates that I can stay up till 9am talking about anything, and everything with. She’s the fucking bomb, and creates brilliant art. If you don’t follow her already, what are you waiting for? Thanks so much for the opportunity to do an art trade with you Maddie. ♥