How Northerners Talk Temperature with Southerners 🌡
Southerner: Boy, it got cold!
[Dramatic *dum* sound]
Northerner: Cold? You don’t understand cold.
Southerner: I mean it’s colder than usual for us
Northerner: Where I’m from, this is what we call a sweltering, sweaty, hot day.
Southerner: I was just saying, compared to other days, it’s a little colder
[Background music becomes more intense with time]
Northerner: Stop sobbing and complaining to me about how freezing cold and miserable you are! You don’t know the meaning of the word miserable!
Southerner: I wasn’t
Northerner: You’re weak. You know nothing of this world. You make me sick.
[Background music stops]
Northerner: Okay, thanks for having us for the holidays! Be back soon!