- fight boy with a pretty dirk (from chapter 35)
- brivere is cute (i legit forgot what chapter it’s in but this happens and it’s cute)
- this hasn’t happened but i want it to (tastefully cropped image because of course)
- from chapter 35
SO YALL i’ve been reading this amazing fic by @banishfics and if yall are into sidlink it’s a GOOD READ! These are some drawings I’ve been doing as warmups that I’ve shared with Addison already a while back, and now wanted to share on my tumblr!
Coma Baby is great, please read it when you get the chance!
From top to bottom:
- Link fighting with his pretty dirk, gifted by Sidon.
- Brivere (Addison’s amazing Zora oc) looking very pretty in his finery.
- Something that TOTALLY HASN’T HAPPENED but my polya ass wants to see. (Sidon + Link + Brivere)
- Link talking out his ass to royalty because he’s a dumb-dumb (and Bazz giving him the BIG SIDE-EYE for it)