I know she won’t say it but please, if you can, a Ko-fi for Amber Harris would be nice. She works super frickin’ hard to get commissions that take other artists months (no offense to them at all), but hardly has time to do her own personal work. So if you appreciate her art, please donate!
It goes a long way in helping her pay bills and not have to take on so much work, allowing her to do her own personal studies and art pieces. If you can’t donate, that’s fine, a like or reblog might reach someone who could, and if you don’t want to do either, then just be cool and move on to the next post.
Thank you so much!
Reblogging because honestly, we could really use any help right now. 🙁
Big thank you to everyone who is liking or reblogging or even just taking the time to read <3
Hey guys, I know I’ve been doing a whole bunch of signal boosting lately but, this one is really kind of important to me. Amber and Drake have been nothing but good to me over the few years I’ve known them and they’ve really been having a tough time of things right now.
If you’re not familiar with Amber’s art, here are a couple of examples of just how gorgeous it is:
I know I don’t say it enough directly to her, but I’m always amazed at what Amber puts out. Not only is her coloring just beautifully soft, she also does some incredible background work, which is something that I still fail to grasp even to this day. I just don’t think she sees enough positive/constructive feedback to offset that inner critic that I know we all struggle with to some extent.
So please, consider giving her a little bit of support if you can. If there was ever a couple of people who deserve better than what life’s been handing them lately, it’s these two.
Lemme link her Tumblr and Ko-fi again just in case you guys can’t see em: