I would love to quote from this thread but everything in there is so deliciously fucking quotable.
boring men are one no away from being angry men and that is scary because angry men are the ones who tend to kill people and then have to take little no responsibility because instead the people they killed, most the time being people who are of a marginalized minority or a marginalized group, are blamed for saying no
It’s this time again folks! An early Christmas present from yours (barely active) truly.
Basic stuff, reblog this post and get a chance to basically get a free commission from me.
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– Ends in around 2-3 weeks, I’ll say closer to the date when exactly.
Heyyy uhhhh internet what’s up guys, it’s me, the opinion panderering troll who lives under the bridge right outside town, and I’m just here to say we should stop labeling artists who draw fat characters as fetish artists solely for drawing a body type that isn’t idealized to modern mass media standards