Hello! Due to recent need to see a vet, and the fact I am starving, I have raised my prices to better reflect the time now spent on them.
I got rent coming up, no call backs from jobs, and 2 lizards suddenly having digestion issues, so please if you can, reblog this post? I think some parasites snuck in on the last delivery of feeder insects. I’m worried.
Costs 75-80$ per pet just for the visit, and that again each for a parasite test. I’m going to try to find a vet that does the actual test in-house which should bring the cost down to 25ish range plus the 75$ fee.
Thanks for listening. <3 Please reblog.
To order art please email shanemercerart@gmail.com
I need to save up more money. Sterling has decided not to eat at all today. I need to get him to a vet ASAP : /
I need rent too.. and that unfortunately must come first cause.. it’s his home too.. but.. gaaah. If something is gonna happen to a pet it will happen when you are at your most poor. -_-
Please reblog <3
He ate a tiny bit today. Dunno if this is being caused by weird hours or parasites. Still needs to go to the vet for a checkup and fecal exam (~150$), but atm we critically need rent (410-ish more bucks).
Conclusion: Voldemort was the most useless, magic dependant wizard that ever existed. He could have lived till like 200 if he just ate well and exercised, but no he had to go and split up his soul and ruin perfectly good jewellery, fucking dumbass.
this sounds like it was written by hermione granger at 1 am
He tried to use an advanced death magic spell to kill a baby. He literally doesn’t know how to do anything without magic. Just drop it out a window my dude, babies are so delicate