Month: August 2017

deathweaver: bun-jour: @deathweaver @oceanwrath Commission! got this as a present for me wife!! rin and his pet dog



@deathweaver @oceanwrath Commission!

got this as a present for me wife!! rin and his pet dog


Thing where some time in the future after Dorephan has passed, sidon gets rly big and marries link and they are BIG KING N TINY KING 

dratinimartini:Thing where some time in the future after Dorephan has passed, sidon gets rly big and marries link and they are BIG KING N TINY KING 


Thing where some time in the future after Dorephan has passed, sidon gets rly big and marries link and they are BIG KING N TINY KING 

faebelina:It’s time to make a new avatar : ) I tried something new, didn’t turn out like I wanted but I decided to keep going and see it through, and I’m glad I did.


It’s time to make a new avatar : ) I tried something new, didn’t turn out like I wanted but I decided to keep going and see it through, and I’m glad I did.

It’s impossible for Worgens to get the Undead curse right? How come they can become DKs then? Is it like.. a different kind of magic? What was stopping Sylvanas from raising her own DKs back in Cataclysm?

This is true, from here


I think they can become undead, just not by the val’kyr’s magic! I believe I read that it may be because val’kyr are only able to raise humans or those closely related to humans into undeath (because related to vrykul)
Maybe they get some of that humanity blocked when afflicted by the worgen curse?

DK necromancy is different I suppose and that’s why the Lich King could have worgen in his ranks. Powerful stuff!

Q: Why are humans who drink the blood of worgen unable to be raised as Forsaken?

   A: Not only are the Val’kyr less powerful than the Lich King when it comes to raising the undead, but the worgen curse also makes raising them into undeath far more difficult than it is for normal humans. The worgen curse has roots in both the Emerald Dream (through the wolf Ancient, Goldrinn) and the holy power of the goddess Elune. In addition, those worgen who imbibe the waters of Tal’doren—through the ritual they undergo to maintain balance between the worgen curse and their humanity—have a further resistance to the corruption of undeath.




Like most young animals, falcons like to play. Neltharion is no exception to that.

Play is very important in young animals. Many raptors will play with leaves, sticks, grass, feathers, and in this case, a paper ball.

This behavior is unlikely to continue once he grows up a bit more.

i’m sorry but did you name this birdy after Deathwing, The Destroyer, Aspect of Death, The Worldbreaker?

Yes. Yes I did.