

as an indian classical dancer i support you 100% in your endeavor but please please please do not under any circumstances draw her doing classical dance things while wearing shoes!!! i know it sounds stupid and something insignificant to get this worked up over but wearing shoes while dong indian classical dance is highly disrespectful and sacrilegious (especially if the dancer in question is wearing their gungaroo/gajjalu/dance bells and shoes at the same time) and also inaccurate as far as the traditions of india go too so please be aware of this! and as for why you absolutely do not ever wear shoes while dancing: i’ve talked about it here and here but i am more than happy to answer any other questions people may have about it as well! :D)

i’ve seen a ton of beautiful dancer!symmetra art out there but literally just seeing her wearing shoes in the art in question just breaks my heart so uh yeah just consider this your generic public service announcement from your local indian classical dancer and symmetra fan 😀

(and yes this is okay to reblog!)

please reblog this even if you’re not into overwatch: there’s already so much misinformation and ignorance and so many misconceptions about indian classical dance and culture out there – even within the indian and classical dance communities – and i just don’t want such a beautiful, lovely character who already shows having autism and disabilities in a positive light to haver other aspects of her character suffer just because something “looks cool” or “exotic”