this pride month if i see ANY of you fuckers including ace/aro identities anywhere, if you even fucking say the words asexual or aromantic in any context of pride in any day this June, you have 0% of my patience and respect. this month isn’t for ace/aro identities and never will be. shut the fuck up.
It sure is June and I’ve never been prouder to call myself asexual
What a great day to be Asexual and Aromantic!
Wow aces and aros are so cool
Man I love and support all asexuals and aromantics this Pride!
The perfect month to shower my cishet ace fiancé in kisses and remind him every day that he’s part of our community and that I’m proud of him.
All asexuals and aromantics deserve to be proud of their identity and OP’s opinion of them is 100% irrelevant.
I know so many wonderful asexual and aromantic people. They and all the other asexual and aromantic people I don’t know deserve to be proud of their identity and have a place withing the queer community.
OP did this giant backtrack and claimed they were only talking about “cishet acearos and inclusionists”, so!
Happy Pride Month to cis aro-aces!
Happy Pride Month to cis heteroromantic asexuals!
Happy Pride Month to cis aromantic heterosexuals!
Happy Pride Month to grey and demiromantics and grey and demisexuals!
Happy Pride Month to all wonderful aspec people! <3