Month: April 2017

genjibunnymada: I was having very great (and sometimes laggy) games with @tormoody but sometimes you gotta find ways to flirt back with ur cowboy


I was having very great (and sometimes laggy) games with @tormoody but sometimes you gotta find ways to flirt back with ur cowboy


nohaijiachi:Confused Shark Boy Is Given Even More Confusing Dream Advice: You Will Not Believe What Happens Next!


Confused Shark Boy Is Given Even More Confusing Dream Advice: You Will Not Believe What Happens Next!

figgeryboo: TWO DAYS OF ARMOR. YEET. This lovely lady named Eolandre belongs to @attentiondeficitohlookasquirrel, long time follower of mine and a very sweet commissioner. Thank you for support!



This lovely lady named Eolandre belongs to @attentiondeficitohlookasquirrel, long time follower of mine and a very sweet commissioner.

Thank you for support!


“Why do you keep transmogging your rogue while leveling, wasting money?”

First of all how dare you

Second, I didn’t buy this gigantic overpriced fashion yak to tromp around looking like World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, you dig


In honor of Transgender Day of Visibility, I would like to take a moment to pay tribute and acknowledge all the trans people who have chosen not to be visible, and remind you that your identity is still valid even if no one knows about it, and you are no less brave for choosing to remain invisible especially if that means it’s safer for you in your current living/ working situation.

zuzuqt: It isn’t coincidence that Khadgar sends you to retrieve a gift as soon as Illidan became our ally. 


It isn’t coincidence that Khadgar sends you to retrieve a gift as soon as Illidan became our ally.