Month: April 2017

white people on tumblr











white1: i love broccoli

white2: omg i love broccoli too sooo much

white3: did some1 say broccoli? i love broccoli

white4: i’m factkin with broccoli uwu no doubles

white5: i’’md bbrrococoli ttoo wwhyyr r  uu a a ffakke off mme??

white6: *posts a pic of a broccoli* my boyfriend

white7: i want to shove a broccoli up my pussy

white8: omg guys i found a broccoli vibrator xD

white9: *rbs pics of broccolis and tags everyone in it*

white10: ii jsustt fuckigng lovove brrocoli soso muchy

and then there’s a “broccoli hour” which lasts 3 hours instead and you have to unfollow 10 people

This is actually really racist, but really fucking funny. I’m bouta do one with black folks and soul food, then Russians and vodka.

your url has loli on it

And? Tag my post with pedophilia again. I dare you. I’ll press charges for defamation of character.

screencapped and emailed to my lawyer. She will have filed charges by tomorrow afternoon. By law We must allow you 48 hours to remove the offending material. If not, you will be charged with defamation of character, libel, and criminal mischief, all misdemeanors. You will face a judge trial.

Don’t think you won’t be found either. That email with the cap also includes your Dox, which will not be shared publicly. I’ve also forwarded this material to the local FBI field office. They take false accusations of pedophilia VERY seriously. Especially when your uncle is a high ranking Homicide Detective with good friends in the FBI, the US Marshals Office, and the NSA. 

can we turn this into a copy pasta

Do you people not understand how the law works?

i am you

scree.n  cappe d .and emaiedl  t o; my, lawye.r  SShe wil,,l have ;filed chagres by omor;rwo af.ternoo;n. By la w We ,,mus,t allooW you 48 hoursto re;;mo,ve the offenddin;;g maetrial., Itff not, you will be charged with defamaat  in of character, lbel, and, crim jusstina,,l mischief, ll misdemeanors. You ,,will  face ,,a judge trriial.

Don’’t ttHi nk yo.u won;;’t bee;; found either. Th;;at eemail wituht hhe ca also incldues your ox,’ whiCh will n,ot be s,,hared, public,,ly. I’vve alsoo f,,orwarded this materil..a  to the looc al F,,B IIfi,eld  offic;e. TjheY take fals..e accusati ons;; of  pedpohilia VERY,, ser;;iouusly. E;;specially when yyouru ncle is ca, h,,hiigh ranking Homicidd..e Detec;t;ive with good,,nsd in ,,tdhe     BI,; hte U Sarshals Off,,i..cE,,,, and,, the NNSA.

screencapped 📸 👏 and emailed 📬📤to my lawyer 🤓🤓. She will have filed charges 📒😤 by tomorrow 🌞afternoon . By law We must allow you 48 ⏰😴hours to remove 🙅🙅the 😡offending material😡. If not🙄, you will be charged 😱😭with defamation of character😵, libel😩, and criminal mischief😤, all misdemeanors😳😳😳. You will face a judge🏦 trial.
Don’t think you won’t🔍👏be 🔍👏found 🔍👏either. That email with the cap also includes your Dox😱, which will 🙅not🙅be shared publicly☠️. I’ve also forwarded 📤this material to the local 😈FBI😈 field office. They take false accusations 😤of 🤢😨pedophilia 🤔VERY seriously🤔. Especially when your uncle is a ⬆️⬆️high ranking 🔪Homicide Detective🔫 with good friends 👌👩‍❤️‍👩in the 🚧FBI🚧the 🇱🇷US Marshals 🇱🇷Office, and the 💣NSA💣.






(D&D & MTG Character Badges Coming Soon!)

I’m so excited to be able to offer character badge commissions in 2017!  I’ve worked very hard on these Warcraft Badges to make it possible for you to choose many different options and customize your badge to be as unique as your character!  There are currently 17 class frame flares, 4 frame textures, 5 flags, 10 medallions & flag symbols,  22 widgies and 6 nameplates available and endless possibilites with your custom requests.  More choices will be added as time permits.  







Your badge commission purchase includes the following:

* a digital bust commission of your character art (shoulders/cleavage up)without the badge frame

* a physical print of your character art (shoulders/cleavage up)without the badge frame

* a physical copy of your badge with clip

* shipping to the lower 48  (outside US will be charged actual shipping costs)


* $60USD by Paypal with newly commissioned character art – Single Character Only

* $50USD by Paypal using previously commissioned character art  (art drawn by me only, please)

Additional Charges:

* custom requests for special frames, widgies, flags, etc. that are not currently available on the order form

* critter or pet

* shipping outside the lower 48

For badge examples the form, check out my weebly:

Signal boosting!

Also added a 20% Off Commission Discount Code to the badge commissions.  I have a few badges scheduled for next week so hit me up if you want in on this wave!





some dude on survivor outed another survivor who happened to be trans and called it “deception” like this was some damn soap opera and everyone was like ”lmao that’s personal and not your fucking problem?” and the host immediately said “We don’t need to vote, just grab your torch” and had him kicked off. that’s some instant fucking karma.

and then they let it air and outed someone to everyone ??

Yeah, they still aired it. I bet any money they knew he was trans and were counting on that coming up, perhaps only for tokenism rather than drama, but I have doubts.

Just coz they played the role of “look what such good allies we all are” doesn’t mean they didn’t just exploit a trans person and leverage transantagonism for ratings.

Zeke applied for the show without telling them he was trans because he wanted to be Zeke the survivor contestant and not just the trans survivor contestant. It was after the producers contacted him to say they were interested in casting him that he revealed it only to the producers. So yeah, they knew he was trans, but not because of the drama or as a token, they were already going to cast him before they knew because he wanted to make sure he wasn’t cast just to be a token.

Zeke and Jeff Probst (the host) had talked about how he would be able to decide whether or not he wanted the fact that he’s trans to be part of his story and when it would be revealed on the show if it would be revealed. Unfortunately, he couldn’t pick when because Varner outed him.

They kept it in the show because Zeke wanted it to be aired. Zeke got to decide with the producers and the help of GLAAD how the episode would be handled and they had been discussing it since the tribal council happened when the show was filmed 8 or 9 months ago up until it aired yesterday. He was happy that because his tribemates came to his defense and he was able to speak about his own feelings about what happened that something positive came out of a horrible situation and that’s partly why he wanted it aired. 

Here’s an interview he did on The Talk earlier today where he talks about how he felt and why it was still aired. And here’s the essay he wrote for the Hollywood Reporter. In the tribal council (7:33-9:30) he talked about his feelings of wanting to be just Zeke the contestant when he applied to the show.



Guys, I keep seeing that post going around about putting uncooked spaghetti noodles in your tablet pen to work as replacement nibs, and I know OP means well and stuff, but PLEASE DON’T DO THAT.

Pasta, no matter how smooth it is, is still a product of dry flour, and rubbing it down on a surface creates micro-sized grit that will scratch up your screen faster than any tablet nib, and they wear down even faster, so it won’t even be worth it. Also, it’s so brittle, if it breaks inside the pen, it will be difficult to clean it out.

Tablet nibs are a pain to replace and buy, but buying a 10 pack of them for $7-8 on Amazon is going to be a better choice than having to pay a heftier sum to repair a scratched up tablet surface/screen.

Spread this post if you can, because I’d really hate to see someone accidentally damage their tablets this way.

PL E A S E there’s a body-wracking cringe every time I see people scratching sharp-edged pasta pieces against their screens and tablets. It’s not worth it!

azariel888: nikolasdraperivey: FFVII REVISEDOkay, allow me to explain:Recently, it was brought to my attention that some people on my page had a problem with me drawing black people because I, a black man, was drawing far too many of them (and not as stereotypes or tropes) when




Okay, allow me to explain:Recently, it was brought to my attention that some people on my page had a problem with me drawing black people because I, a black man, was drawing far too many of them (and not as stereotypes or tropes) when I’m known for having diverse character designs in the first place. This struck me as odd because there is literally no problem with me drawing characters of other backgrounds any other time, but the moment I start to draw us in a way that doesn’t make us look like the same stereotypes you’re used to seeing, it’s a problem? Check yourself. I literally got asked, “Do you ever draw white people?” And “You only draw black guys. Why?” In the same morning and I’m like, “Oh so this is a PROBLEM now?” Anyone that has seen my work knows that I draw people from all over. That said, there IS a conscious decision to represent my people in a way that is just and equal to how every other race has been represented since like…forever. Don’t come at me for actually taking the time and effort to show us in positive light. If me drawing people of color as characters and not stereotypes and over used tropes offends you, then get ready to hate my black ass then, because I’m not about to sit by and let us not be represented in a respectful, uplifting and positive light anymore and if you don’t like it well…. Too bad. But since it was an issue with me drawing my own heroes of color, I decided to do other heroes and villains from a game I’m fond of and make them people of color…. I specifically chose FFVII because it’s already a diverse case and to Square Enix’s credit, you could literally tell the same story with these designs. Enjoy.

These are just so amazing!!!! All of them just make me smile like mad! And good lord Sephiroth just blew my mind.

acquaintedwithrask: meqabitch: theryanproject: futureblackpolitician: cloacacarnage: i know its the mets, but this is the coolest shit i’ve ever seen a human being do Wtf???? Smoove with it too  This is the kind of shit you see in anime that shows that a certain character






i know its the mets, but this is the coolest shit i’ve ever seen a human being do


Smoove with it too 

This is the kind of shit you see in anime that shows that a certain character is stronger than other characters. 

he’s even got the sunglasses said anime character would wear.

swampgallows: fyeahartstudentowl: Probably low-fire. I JUST got an e-mail that this blog “posted my submission”. I don’t even remember what year I submitted this.  Good on you for truckin’ the hell on, Art Student Owl.



Probably low-fire.

I JUST got an e-mail that this blog “posted my submission”. I don’t even remember what year I submitted this. 

Good on you for truckin’ the hell on, Art Student Owl.