Month: April 2017

A very rare picture of Genji on the point.

A very rare picture of Genji on the point.

spiral-seeker: hyperlibrary: ficcyshit: rarmaster: regi572: triforce-kun: @regi572 I have never had a more relatable post in my life Watching a guy play Doom on a cabal of toasters is officially the most surreal shit to grace my existence. @curiouslich There’s








I have never had a more relatable post in my life

Watching a guy play Doom on a cabal of toasters is officially the most surreal shit to grace my existence.


There’s actually a good reason for this: The sample driver microsoft provides is for a “toaster”

Inside the sample is:


Sometimes people using the sample do not change the icon.

hijerking:who’s gonna tell this straighty….


who’s gonna tell this straighty….

since 2007? you are like a little baby

since 2007? you are like a little baby


this is mean and terrible but it exhausts me to be around people who haven’t finished going through their pretentious asshole phase like okay holden caulfield I know we’re all helplessly suckling at the teat of modern media but can you shut up and play some goddamn mario kart for like five minutes

icecry: “The fleetingness of a life lured by a god of death.”Had this idea since last Saturday. I know it’ll all work out at the end of the episode, but the idea is terrifying. I believe this represents Jack’s CHOICE to walk towards death. I’m hoping some more Father


“The fleetingness of a life lured by a god of death.”

Had this idea since last Saturday. I know it’ll all work out at the end of the episode, but the idea is terrifying. I believe this represents Jack’s CHOICE to walk towards death. I’m hoping some more Father Daughter moments with Ashi will help the Samurai pull out of this. That or the Scotsman. he’s really who i want to save Jack.

joshua-wright: In America they call biscuits “cookies.” Those Americans – such an eccentric bunch! ;)


In America they call biscuits “cookies.” Those Americans – such an eccentric bunch! 😉

simplybolkonsky: @zelamorre @puckish-saint because of this post string aaa too good I would like to add that Ana was one of their witnesses, and if she ever says anything casually about Jack and Gabe’s relationship, it’s taken by present company as good-natured teasing


@zelamorre @puckish-saint because of this post string aaa too good

I would like to add that Ana was one of their witnesses, and if she ever says anything casually about Jack and Gabe’s relationship, it’s taken by present company as good-natured teasing instead of, y’know, fact.