
I’ve freeshly reach 2000 followers ! So it’s giveaway time !!
This is amazing how many we are here now ! Thak you so much for sticking around and supporting me !

– Giveaway is up until the April 25 – 12:00 european time!

– must be following me (new followers are welcome – no giveaway blog ! I’ll check)
– Reblogs only count. You can reblog as much as you like but be respectful of your followers!
– Winners will be choosed through a random generator And you’ll have 24 

hours to answer me or else I’ll choose a new winner.

– 1st place: 1 character waist-up in flat color. No background.
– 2nd place: 1 character bust in flat color. No background.
– 3rd place: 1 chibi character in flat color. No background.

Good luck everyone !!
Thank you again for your support !!