when you realize strawberries aren’t berries but bananas are and you’ve been lied to your whole life. yet again
Raspberries aren’t either. But kiwi and pumpkin are. 😑
Why must y’all do this, let me live in ignorance
^ literally
Also, watermelon is not a fruit. Its actually a vegetable. It belongs in the cucumber and squash family
I am so tired
I have learned Too Much
Pumpkin isn’t a squash?
Okay I’m intruding bc I am a Botanist and I am Upset:
Bananas are berries: confirmed. Strawberries not actually berries: confirmed. They are aggregates of achenes on a fleshy receptacle. Raspberries aren’t berries: not entirely. Aggregates of drupes (single-seeded berries). Kiwis are berries: confirmed. Pumpkins are berries: false! They are pepos, diagnostic of their family, the Cucurbitaceae. Watermelon is not a fruit: SUPER FALSE. They contain seeds, they are fruit. They are also pepos and are related closely to pumpkins. Squashes, gourds, cucumbers, melons, pumpkins are all fruits, all pepos, all in the Cucurbitaceae.
you are missing something! although those are the boots of the apollo 11 suits, they’re not what was worn on the moon. neil armstrong, not content with wearing just one pair of shoes, demanded nasa make him another, larger and cooler pair of boots just for walking on the moon.
you can see them here, to the right of the suit’s built-in boots.
photos of armstrong on the moon prominently feature the boots!
although i couldn’t find any official nasa photos of the bottoms of the boots, i could find something even more interesting! an x-ray of the boots “taken as a last minute check to see if there were any foreign objects that could compromise the integrity of the spacesuit during the mission, such as broken off tips of needles that were used in the stitching process”
the thick vertical lines are the treads at the bottoms of the boots
on a more pragmatic note: if nasa was faking a moon landing with a $150 billion+ budget, do you really think they’d mess up something as simple as a boot print?