Funny is fact that making twin like with “heterosexuals only” whould be considered homophobic.
fun fact is that this bench stands just outside a museum in germany displaying 150 years of gay oppression, marked significantly by our murder and systematic exclusion from society
every other bench is a ‘heterosexuals only’ bench
start crying oppression when you’re actually oppressed instead of crying because it’s not about you
[picture of a “colored only” water fountain in america in the 1960s] “OH BUT IF THERE WAS A WHITE ONLY ONE THAT WOULD BE CONSIDERED RACIST???? REALLY MAKES YOU THINK HUH
Faeb’s first encounter with a hostile Horde in Ashenvale. She’s heard stories but all the Hordies she’s met in the Circle have been druids and friends. This was quite a surprise to her. (She’s fine, she’s fine…a little Lifebloom and some Ironbark and she’s good)
no offense but i’m literally starving for affection but when people give it to me i can’t accept it as valid because i’m worried i’ve manipulated their perception of me by only portraying myself a certain way and feeling like this portrayal of myself is an imposter and makes me disingenuous and not deserving of the affection they give me.