Month: February 2017

toiek: i thought mccree would look really good with fangs and then i started to imagine this cowboy as a vampire then i started  imagining witcher 3 lore of higher vampires tht can still walk in the sun. then I imagined  McCree sitting on a fence post at high noon and hanzo is


i thought mccree would look really good with fangs and then

i started to imagine this cowboy as a vampire

then i started  imagining witcher 3 lore of higher vampires tht can still walk in the sun.

then I imagined  McCree sitting on a fence post at high noon and hanzo is a wandering traveler,
and hanzo is lost so mcree invites him into his country farm home to rest
and i imagine him staring at hanzo and bein able to smell how good his blood is and hes just like Holy Shit 

i also imagine,,,what if,,newly turned vampires are the ones tht cant go in the sun and the older u get the more immune u are,,,and to be a High noon vampire is to be v respected cus ur old and can handle the heat and respect and skill/risk it takes 2 kill someone in the middle of the day. 

toiek: I was really happy with how the colors and the variants turned out so I had to include them all ! Vampire! McCree waltzing into town or such. My vampire McCree is most powerful in the sun – at high noon! The weaker the vampire, the less sun they can take. When McCree


I was really happy with how the colors and the variants turned out so I had to include them all !

Vampire! McCree waltzing into town or such.

My vampire McCree is most powerful in the sun – at high noon! The weaker the vampire, the less sun they can take. When McCree bites Hanzo in a fit of blood lust, it’s during the day, and It’s the last time Hanzo sees the sun for decades after. 

McCree will never stop feeling guilty for biting him, but selfishly is glad he did in the long run…

please do not repost or share without credit – please contact me if you do share – please do not delete the caption – photoshop cs6 – kyle brush gouache brushes

– toiek

toastedtwink: “Ya come here often?” i got clip studio. Im still learning to use it, but i love how it paints o:


“Ya come here often?”

i got clip studio. Im still learning to use it, but i love how it paints o:

gunnslaughter:Try to remember that Lucio, while truly the only sunshine in Overwatch, is still fucking kickass and he’s done amazing things, alright?


Try to remember that Lucio, while truly the only sunshine in Overwatch, is still fucking kickass and he’s done amazing things, alright?

rurukatt: I just realized I forgot to upload this here! Outfit concept for my druid Yalanthe, inspired by druid T19. She’s going to wear this one day :> (WIP)


I just realized I forgot to upload this here! Outfit concept for my druid Yalanthe, inspired by druid T19. She’s going to wear this one day :>


louminx: | RENESTE SKYRUNNER | WOW | Recent commission for @thelmis (who I can’t tag… oh, we knew this day would come), of her Blood Elf Paladin, Reneste! Honestly, she was such a pleasure to work with and talk to, which made things so enjoyable! Thank you for giving me the



Recent commission for @thelmis (who I can’t tag… oh, we knew this day would come), of her Blood Elf Paladin, Reneste!

Honestly, she was such a pleasure to work with and talk to, which made things so enjoyable! Thank you for giving me the chance to work with you 🙂


watching tumblr try to talk about 4chan can be weird just bc they don’t really get how conversation and humor works there, but watching 4chan try to talk about tumblr is bizarre, bc they’ve constructed an elaborate parallel fantasy tumblr where all we do is draw their anime waifus fat with hairy legs and talk about cis scum and cultural appropriation. and they spend so much of their lives being mad about this imaginary place they’ve invented

watching current 4chan users talk about 4chan itself is also pretty wild because they really do think it’s the most intellectual place on the internet even tho 90% of threads devolve into arguments about nothing and they make remarkably little original content worth documenting

both sites have a healthy concept of reddit’s shitty community and interface tho