Month: January 2017

feel free to unfollow if you:



  • don’t like me
  • liked me at one point, but don’t like me anymore
  • hate what i post
  • hate what i have to say about xyz topic
  • find me annoying
  • don’t have anything in common with me anymore, and are bored by the things i post
  • feel obligated by whatever personal reason you may have to keep following me, even if literally any of those above things apply

this applies to mutuals as well. your dash should be your happy place, so no hard feelings and i wish you the best in life

I’m adding here that I don’t actually check my followers list ever – I only ever check the number if I’ve had a rash of new follows – so if you’ve got any anxiety about offending me, don’t worry, because I literally won’t see. Your dash is your safe and happy spot, and if my content doesn’t jive with what you want to see…that’s fine with me.




Don’t invite me anywhere last minute I enjoy doing nothing so I need to know ahead of time if my plan to do nothing needs to be changed

This is legit and people don’t realize it.

I swear to God I’ve never ever felt so identified with a post as I felt with this one


blood elf roleplay and night elf roleplay are not so different

blood elf roleplay is red and gold, you talk about the sun, act better than everyone else in the horde, men are making out everywhere

night elf roleplay is purple and silver, you talk about the moon, act better than everyone else in the alliance, women are making out everywhere

you can’t go wrong, really


there are asexuals who are entirely disgusted by sex

there are asexuals who are fine talking about sex but aren’t willing to have it themselves

there are asexuals who like sex in theory but not in practice

there are asexuals who dont really care for it but are happy to do it for someone they love

there are asexuals who enjoy or even love the stimulation of sex but have no actual need or craving for it; its just like any other activity to do with someone and can easily be replaced with literally anything else

there are asexuals who do have a sexdrive but its only triggered by a strong emotional attachment rather than physical factors

there are a whole bunch of asexuals and if i hear “lol so ur like a plant” one more time i swear to fucking god