Month: January 2017

Kil’jaeden get off the phone I was trying to call dad.How did you even get my number, it’s unlisted.

Kil’jaeden get off the phone I was trying to call dad.

How did you even get my number, it’s unlisted.

illuminest:i don’t have an order of operation on how i do things and i’m paying for it now (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ︵ ╯(°□° ╯)


i don’t have an order of operation on how i do things and i’m paying for it now (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ︵ ╯(°□° ╯)


i would rather be shoved into a locker for 2 years than call a romantic partner “daddy” but if you’re one of those people who are into that, then, please, next time you get into a fight with him please say something like “you’re not my REAL dad!” you have full permission to steal my joke that im never going to use

thetillys: Things that Iren has: a LOT of beauty marks a mild obsession with spiders so much hair it constantly gets in the way of EVERYTHING Things that Iren doesn’t have: morals


Things that Iren has:

  • a LOT of beauty marks
  • a mild obsession with spiders
  • so much hair it constantly gets in the way of EVERYTHING

Things that Iren doesn’t have:

  • morals



im serious about that “stop saving things for special occasions” bit tho like. even if u aren’t in your 20s. thats for everyone. its one of the most useful things ive learned lately

stop! just stop. eat the special snack. drink the expensive hippie tea. use the incense or the bath bomb or whatever you paid way too much for because you were feeling really bad and retail therapy makes u feel alive

when we save things for special occasions/rainy days it contributes to us feeling like A.) our day to day existence is lackluster and B.) you have to be feeling a certain level of Bad, or have to reach a certain level of Socially Accepted Achievement, to enjoy things

just give yourself stuff. there are definitely sometimes reasons to withhold things from yourself – as motivation, if it’s something you consciously want to use sparingly, etc – but at least for me half the time it just turns into self-flagellation and also cool things and cool experiences and nice treats just collect dust while i wait for some fabled day when i convince myself i finally Deserve it

just fuckin give yourself stuff dude. life’s so mindblowingly short

-just fuckin give yourself stuff dude. life’s so mindblowingly short –



uh actually dont? yell at hets for using words like datemate and partner?

because there is always a chance that one of them is a closeted trans person and they’re trying to not misgender them while also not outing them

and normalizing gender-neutral language makes doing that safer anyway

normalizing gender-neutral language for romantic or sexual partners also lessens the strain on closeted LGBPA people in same gender relationships

normalizing gender-neutral language for spouses/partners/datemates/SOs/etc even for cishets is helpful to everyone, ESPECIALLY queer people



*parts a bead curtain as i enter the room, carrying a glass of lemonade* 


nothing you ever read, watch, or participate in will be ideologically pure and without its problems. your quest to consume the most unproblematic material will be, in the end, fruitless. your enjoyment of anything will be sapped away, leaving you a husk starved for media.

 it is okay to enjoy things that have problems to them, so long as you do it critically and with an open mind, and take care to consider others.

*leaves the way i came*

This is possibly the healthiest post I’ve seen on this site

borealisowl: Talon D.Va, D.Va & Hanzo, Shimada Brothers / 香雪 (D Hyang seol): pixiv, twitter, naverOQ


Talon D.Va, D.Va & Hanzo, Shimada Brothers /

(D Hyang seol): pixiv, twitter, naver