Month: January 2017

sketchygoat:This time around i offered flat color commissions which i haven’t before and it’s really nice and easy on me so i’ll def offer them in the future too


This time around i offered flat color commissions which i haven’t before and it’s really nice and easy on me so i’ll def offer them in the future too









Millennial Sisyphus keeps entering all the information from his resume into the web form, only for it to delete everything when he tries to move to the next page. He just goes back and types it all up again, over and over again, forever, and he never gets a job.

Millennial Tantalus has been promised that his unpaid internship will become a paid position as soon as the company has space for him. Every week he sees their new job posting. Every week he asks his boss if he can have a real job. The boss shrugs apologetically and says he’ll just have to make do with being paid in experience a little longer. He goes back and keeps working, over and over again, forever, and he never reaches the fruits of his labors.

Millennial Persephone can’t get a job without a degree, but because she had to take out loans to pay for college, she must spend 1/3 of her life working just to pay them off.

Millennial Cassandra’s title is Social Media Coordinator, she was hired to be the expert, but every time she tries to explain the problems in her company’s social media decisionmaking, the managers don’t listen…and end up hiring expensive PR flacks to repair the damage to their reputation when things blow up exactly as she predicted.

Millennial Medusa uses multiple shades of primer and opaque foundation to cover the scars snaking across her face, hiding the bruises, aligning the asymmetry in her broken nose and jaw. Red matte on the lips, green shimmer on the lids. Flawless liner on the first try. She’s had lots and lots of practice. She films her transformation in secret for all to see and learn, and again, men are turned to anonymous stone faces screaming in horror. “Liar!” “Witch!” “Take her swimming on the first date!” These words do not discourage her. These words are a challenge. GlamGorgonXx posts another video.

Millennial Prometheus uploads another PDF to his site. He’s lost track of the printing and edition of this textbook. He knows they just rearranged some of chapters then charge 150 dollars per copy, and the professor wrote the book himself. the ZIP fills uploads successfully, and he starts uploading the next one. He isn’t afraid of the potential lawsuit. knowledge shouldn’t held out of reach like this. 

Millennial Circe screenshots all the lewd messages she gets from men on online dating sites and posts them on her very popular Instagram along with their pictures and usernames. When people accuse her of attempting to destroy their reputations, she insists she’s just revealing them for the pigs they truly are.

Millennial Odysseus is starting to suspect there’s something wrong with his GPS…

captaincrusher: Maybe my favorite gif of Janeway because it looks like she’s reading someone’s smut and isn’t pleased with the quality.  “Their flesh melted together like they were a weird sort of siamese twins but sexyily… are you serious Chakotay?”


Maybe my favorite gif of Janeway because it looks like she’s reading someone’s smut and isn’t pleased with the quality. 

“Their flesh melted together like they were a weird sort of siamese twins but sexyily… are you serious Chakotay?”

onlyblackgirl: themorbidmedic: evangeline-elena: aubscares: fun fact:The last supper would have been more like this, according to tradition: so casual i love it a sleepover with jc and the boys It’s lit





fun fact:

The last supper would have been more like this, according to tradition:

so casual i love it

a sleepover with jc and the boys

It’s lit




dragon ball z was so good i wouldnt even consider it an anime. it was more like a documentary it was so good

Terrible imo.

Dragged fights on for literally 10 episodes, same storyline over and over again, plot armor a mile thick.

goku did so much, so much for the planet and you’ve done? I’m sorry… who are you?



sometime in the near future you will wake up at 3AM beside the person you love most in the world; wearing next to nothing, you will touch their cheek and they will sleepily pull you closer. the sky will be pink and gold and reflecting onto your love’s bare back. you will feel safe and secure.

where the heck are you that the sky has colors other than black at 3AM

risachantag: I know not how long you waited for this moment, voice line equipped, but thank you random Hanzo player.


I know not how long you waited for this moment, voice line equipped, but thank you random Hanzo player.

lintufriikki: Long cats ✨


Long cats ✨


people already ship genji/mercy GENCY for their history and whatever but if this ship is eventually confirmed canon i really hope all the I NEED HEALING memes are what sold Blizz on the idea

Grandpa: That day, [Mercy] was amazed to discover that when [Genji] was saying “I need healing“, what he meant was, “I love you.” And even more amazing was the day she realized she truly loved him back.