Commission for sallarin0406 @ twitter of their drood
cargophora: Commission for sallarin0406 @ twitter of their drood
indfries:just Garrosh abusing stuff to gain muscles :D
Guide to digital art!
Step 1: take out and plug in tablet
Step 2: open up art program of your choice
Step 3: pull up a reference image or two
Step 4: set a music playlist
Step 5: scroll tumblr dash for 3 hours
Step 6: cry
First they came for the scientists…
And the National Parks Services said, “lol, no” and went rogue and we were all like, “I was not expecting the park rangers to lead the resistance, none of the dystopian novels I read prepared me for this but cool.”
Best tumblr post by a friend of mine in years.
If you could have just one thing you wanted the most in your life what would that be? :D Both of you :P
I had to correct it.
Can undead cry? Also ladies and gents, undead corgi.
[unholy screeching]