yknow the more jk rowlings world falls apart in america (race relations, international history, population, etc) the more i like to think that america just straight up doesnt have the statute of secrecy. european countries are falling over themselves hiding magic but come to georgia and theres a drunk redneck wizard wingardium leviosa-ing the shit out of a tractor to the delight of his drunk redneck muggle buddies in a walmart parking lot.
wizard on muggle violence is prevented by virtue of there being like a 50/50 chance that muggle is packing heat. muggle on wizard violence is prevented by knowing that wizard can give you boils spelling LIL BITCH on your forehead if you try to start something.
america is the weird redheaded stepchild of the magic world.
im not gonna stop reblogging this until this is the next Hot Fanon
About the PvE aspect of lots of online games, especially big MMOs, do you think that there is a window of opportunity for a competitive PvE scenario? Maybe a monetized scenario like the most financially successful PvP ones?
I think competitive PvE is a hugely unexplored space. We did live raids for awhile at Blizzcon (though they were a logistical nightmare) and even did a race a couple of times.
If I was working on a group-based PvE game (I’m not), I would try and figure out how to make it competitive. I would try and figure out if it could be an esport. There are several sports that are compelling to view (for some folks!) where the opposing sides don’t directly interact much: golf, bowling, track and field, most races. Those kind of feel like the live equivalent of competitive PvE.
“But your WoW characters can’t be nonbinary and or trans!!! DD:”
“Hey, your characters can’t be asexual – or at least make them demisexual so then I can still ship them with mine!!! :)”
They don’t even know how asexual people work. Just because you’re asexual doesn’t mean you’re never going to be in a relationship ever. There’s more to relationships than just sex.