

Alright, alright, alright!
Here it is.
I’m offering you some sale commissions!

Every year around this time I offer some Christmas (or not-Chrismas) themed commissions, 24 in total! And this year is no different. Starting from 1st of December I will be posting one finished headshot a day up until Christmas Eve on 24th, and this means all artwork on my calendar queue will be completed before Christmas! This means that yes, you can get these as Christmas gift for people who like art of their characters!

This year I’m offering headhost commissions, with or without festive decorations – you decide!
The base price for a flat colored headshot is 5 USD and for a simple shaded headshot it is 7 USD!
I’m also offering experimental “Wild Card” style coloring which can be whatever from faux-watercolor to experimental shading to whatever I feel like trying out. These are 5 USD!

Examples of my headshots can be find on my headshot tags on my art blogs: meoproject // meocraft

As mentioned before, this is mostly intended as a “calendar” type commission… thing, but in case I get more than 24 inquiries, I might accept a few more. There is more info on the commission form linked below, but if you want to be placed on an “overflow” queue should not get on the actual calendar queue, that is an option also!

I’m comfortable drawing and attempting to draw many different character types. I’m ok with original characters, fan characters, MMO player characters, human(oid) characters, furry characters, fantasy/cartoon animal characters…
I will not draw canon characters, videogame npcs, real life people or their exact unstylized references (includes both celebrities and your family memberS!), pet portraits or any hateful content.
I offer no WIPs, previews or revisions, only the finished artwork. I will fix any mistakes I’ve made (such as missing markings) but will not adjust the pose, overall idea or change things that aren’t my mistakes. Please supply me with your best references to ensure best outcome! Since these are cheap sale commissions, please give me some artistic freedom to work with, thank you!

You can follow my progress on my work queue trello! [scroll and click “current commission queue”!]

Interested? Please fill out THIS COMMISSION FORM – please read the form carefully as you fill, as I’m not responsible for mistakes in your form! If I accept your commission inquiry, I will send you a PayPal invoice; if I do not invoice you within 48 hours, please send me an email! If I do not accept your commission, you will receive an e-mail from me stating so, so you should not be left hanging anyway. After you pay the invoice, you will be added on my commission queue.

meoproject @ tumblr // meocraft @ tumblr
sirmeo @ dA // sirmeo @ FA


Thank you for reading! Signal boosts are appreciated!

I hear this Friday is some sort of a big shopping day, eh?

I still have about 10+ slots free, and I would be very appreciative if I could fill them!

I can’t offer any special “Black Friday” sale as this price is the lowest I can go, but I do think this is a good offer regardless, thank you!