Month: September 2016


This is to prove a point to the WoW rp community and to test and see the results.

Reblog if you believe that everyone should rp whatever they want and if someone does not like it, they can ignore you.

Like if you think people should follow absolute strict lore (a.k.a things outside playable race and/or class)

zaelish: I don’t paint often, almost never, so I’ve decided to get into it and get better. Here’s Koltira for practice :д


I don’t paint often, almost never, so I’ve decided to get into it and get better. Here’s Koltira for practice :д


pros of werewolf boyfriend:

  • happy with any present as long as its chewable
  • very very excited to see you after any period of time apart
  • will lie in your bed and keep you warm whenever you take a nap
  • growls at jerks, may eat them

cons of werewolf boyfriend:

  • absolutely nothing

necroarchy:      By @alynissia.      Yogg-Saron pays a visit to Icecrown Citadel. Zoen and Arthas are… less than hospitable, to Kel’Thuzad’s disappointment.


     By @alynissia.

     Yogg-Saron pays a visit to Icecrown Citadel. Zoen and Arthas are… less than hospitable, to Kel’Thuzad’s disappointment.