

Hey, guess who got a new ref?

I’ve been meaning to re-do Adessi’s reference, and now is as good a time as any, I guess.

Maria “Ade” Adessi. Undead rogue. Second generation forsaken, really enjoying his undeath so far, used to be a living gangster before he got killed by a rival gang… and now he’s a dead gangster and arguably more powerful and dangerous than he was when alive, so really, good job there, rival gang, good job.

He is loosely affiliated with the Forsaken as a faction, in that he generally doesn’t mind being part of them and enjoys the benefits and likes hanging around with other forsaken, but he is not interested in working as a part of their militia or anything, and generally prefers to work as a freelance mercenary.

Not that bright and barely literate. He is extremely charming though, gets along with people easily and has a keen sense when it comes to people.This has the weird effect of making him both seem very honest and easy to read and subtly manipulative and hard to fool. Many a person has let their guards down around him and let him know more than they intended.

Adessi is a firm believer of living in the moment and acting on the moment is both his biggest strength and weakness. On the other hand it makes him rather good at thinking on his feet and his actions hard to read (to his enemies), but on the other hand it also makes him rather impulsive and he rarely thinks on the grand scale.

reblogging because, well, i want to show my baby to you