



Ever see a couple that’s been together for a while and they look the same ? They could be different races but still have a slight resemblance like they look alike ? Here’s why . During sex when a man ejaculates . His sperm or DNA is uploaded . And a female downloads it in the form of love . The more she opens up to him and her defenses fall the more data she’s able to download. (Not real data for the slow ones) So in reality fellas we are the ones giving BRAIN . How ? Sperm has cerebral spinal fluid . Or (Brain,Spine,Fluid) . It starts in the brain then is sent down the spine and turned into fluid . When women download the data it’s not just kids in the sperm . It’s your thoughts and feelings as well . That’s also how women have this Connection to the men they have been with for a while . She doesn’t have to be with you or around you, and could call you as another woman is thinking about approaching you Or can tell when something isn’t right . They call it an intuition . But It’s a mental connection . The woman basically becomes a mini version of the man by taking take on personality traits as well . That’s why it’s important for females to choose their partner carefully .


it turns out you can just say ant words you want in any order you want