
lmfao i saw more #draeneidiscourse that involved accusing the draenei of never “asking for permission to settle” on draenor and i JUST. like?? are you saying your precious, apparently perfect orcs would have been like “no, fuck off”? and if they had, were the draenei just supposed to be like “oh, okay, i guess we’ll just go on then, sorry for bothering you”? and even then, who’s to say that the burning legion wouldn’t have come upon and destroyed draenor anyhow as they followed the draenei, because, once again, the burning legion are omnicidal dicks. like would that have been the draenei’s fault too? what would be good enough for you? that the draenei just laid down and fucking died on argus? smfh. i cannot BELIEVE that someone is seriously defending genocide.

who’s to say that the burning legion wouldn’t have come upon and destroyed draenoranyhow as they followed the draenei, because, once again, the burning legion are omnicidal dicks

Given the description of the Burning Legion in the latest novel, this is almost a certainty