Here’s a bunch of diety kitties I’ve been drawing for the past week or so! I thought that if cats had godly powers, they would probably still be cats. they probably wouldn’t even notice, they’d think they could always rupture spacetime or whatever else.×18-and-8×10
^^I’ve made this available as a poster print! Hang it on your wall & everyone will know your love of magical kitty cats!
kirrys: Here’s a bunch of diety kitties I’ve been drawing for the past week or so! I thought that if cats had godly powers, they would probably still be cats. they probably wouldn’t even notice, they’d think they could always rupture spacetime or whatever
TMI Tuesday.
Because we all love inappropriate questions about our OCs.
when you meet someone cool
when that person thinks you’re cool
when you become cool friends with that person
when you do cool stuff together
astrall-cooties: Snakes on a dame!another portrait commission knocked out of the ballpark for a client on DA, Manga-ranga (I was trying something with the arms but I think i’ll just stick with the faces)
Snakes on a dame!
another portrait commission knocked out of the ballpark for a client on DA, Manga-ranga (I was trying something with the arms but I think i’ll just stick with the faces)
u ever fall in love with an art style?? like an art style crush?? like you see anything drawn in that style and you swoon??
Opening dating applications for hot demon & monster men who are also really cuddly
yumisara: And now I return back to my cave to recover.
I’m laughing at all the butthurt dudebros who want to boycott over Tracer’s OTS pose getting removed/changed but also i’m still a little bewildered by the whole thing b/c I cant figure out why that pose for Tracer caused so much fuss when Widowmaker’s OTS pose is just as bad if not worse lmao……….????????????
dont forget