


I am seeing this being reblogged without my little blurb and I’m just a little upset. Like, I have absolutely no problem with anyone who’s not ace or aro reblogging this, because I think it’s important that others get to realize that being ace/aro isn’t weird, and our predicaments are relatable. Like, I never see comics and posts by ace/aro people that aren’t posts specifically about visibility or education and I think it’s important that others get to see the fun and funny and relatable parts of our lives, so people can see that we do exist as more than just articles explaining our orientation.

That is why I feel that reblogging this without the context that this is a situation common to ace/aro people feels like stifling this little bit of representation that I created as an ace/aro person primarily for ace/aro people.

The context of this comic matters very much to me. You don’t have to remove the context of the comic to be able to relate to it and reblog it, and I would really really prefer that you didn’t.