I don’t know why people think this is even remotely right.
You wanna think he is, sure go ahead.
Like a head canon? Fine.
But if you’re going to pass this off as fact, then you’re just plain wrong. Let’s look at our two forms of deadpool.
Comic: Woes several ladies, including the lovely Shiva and Lady Death, and only jokingly flirts with males. Always goes on about tits, not dicks.
Movie: Possibly Woes several ladies before the movie, but in the movie falls for one female, has sex with her multiple times. Jokingly refers to his prostate as the on switch. The ONE time he got close was on International Womens Day, and you know what he said as soon as she started to go?
No no no no.
So please, continue to tell me how Deadpool is confirmed pan and canon pan. Please do.
Well the director said he’s pansexual and so did a comic writer lmao deadpool being pansexual is the best thing ever we need some goddamn variety in comic book characters
Give me the quote lol and that comic book writer wrote “that’d he’d fuck anything” which a) again, has no canonical evidence and b) has never happened lmao
12/03/13: Tonight on Twitter, Deadpool writer Gerry Duggan confirmed that Deadpool is queer, describing him as being omnisexual which is often used interchangeably with pansexual (a more inclusive form of bisexuality) so the following should now be read in the context of how this aspect of Deadpool’s character was presented before an official statement was made…Also, this current team has been openly promoting Spideypool (the Deadpool/Spiderman ship) outside of the comic by making a Spideypool companion video and even their ownfanfic.
02/20/14: In the last day fellow Deadpool writers Christopher Hastings and Gail Simone have confirmed that Deadpool is pansexual/omnisexual. Hastings also announced that the upcoming Deadpool annual was written for Spideypool fans, the release is set for May 21st 2014 but no other details are known.
08/18/15: in the Deadpool novelization, Deadpool Paws, Blind Al asks “do you look like a woman?” when Deadpool wants a makeover and he responds, “That is so cisgender. Does my body define who I am inside?”
08/24/15: creator Fabian Nicieza tweeted “Sorry, but anyone who writes such an extended column trying to ‘prove’ Deadpool’s sexuality does not understand Deadpool’s sexuality.” Nicieza was then accused of being dismissive toward fans and he responded “Not trying to be dismissive, but readers always want to ‘make a character their own’ and often that is to the exclusion of what the character might mean to other fans. I’ve been dogged with the DP sexuality questions for YEARS. It is a bit tiring. He is NO sex and ALL sexes. He is yours and everyone else’s. So not dismissive, but rather the epitome of inclusive.” Fans then pressed Nicieza for his explanation on Deadpool sexuality and said, “They (nor you) understand DP brain cells in CONSTANT FLUX so he is hetero one minute, gay the next, etc. ALL ARE VALID” he responded again when questioned about whether Deadpool was pansexual, “Funny how you don’t understand the character at all regardless of his (or your) perceived sexuality, It is why he is insane, why his memory is so flawed and why he was able to survive the cancer in his system. It is why he can like something one minute and hate it the next. It has ALWAYS been a part of the characters makeup. You’re arguing with the guy who introduced the omnisexual, pansexual, heterosexual, homosexual, etc. aspects of the character!” Finally, when accused of being insulting by equating homosexuality with a mental disorder he said “I understand your fight, but you’re choosing the wrong character to fight for and the wrong writer to fight with. I have spent 30 years in this business writing diverse characters and hiring diverse creators. Character has been around since 1992. He is who he has ALWAYS been and this is it. understand it and hopefully accept it or pick a better character to rally behind. I’ll be fighting with you. Would rather let people vent. I deserve it for improperly stating things and more importantly trying to have debate about complicated character and comic book pseudo-science on twitter which thrives on simplicity.”
11/03/15 In an interview with Collider Miller said Deadpool’s sexuality was “Pansexual! I want that quoted. Pansexual Deadpool.”
01/30/16 Advertising for the first Deadpool solo movie has been unabashedly promoting Deadpool as pansexual, this is one example