

I hate it when people are like, “I’d draw more, but I suck”.



You’re always gonna suck at the beginning. I sucked, your favourite artist sucked, your Cool Artist Friend used to draw faux Disney paws when they started out.

Art isn’t easy. It’s actually pretty lame sometimes.

But if you don’t draw… If you hold yourself back? You’re never going to improve. Being self-depreciating in your work won’t help you, because if you don’t appreciate your effort, do you really expect others to?

Be confident. Open commissions, take trades, even if you’re fucking terrible. Someone will want your art, someone will want to help you grow, and you’ll gain experience by drawing things in ways you’ve never drawn before.

Please don’t believe that you can’t get there, or that people won’t appreciate gifts or fanart because you’re not Picasso. It sounds silly, but the heart of what you draw is what matters, the effort you put in, how hard you try to get better.

So don’t worry about it. Just relax, and draw. Draw people, draw furries, draw fuckloads of porn. It doesn’t matter.

Just create.

I believe in you.

To our all precious artists