Month: February 2016

chrom-gratulations: Group chat boosted my self confidence by like 200% so here’s my night elf druid before I lose the impulse to post it whoops


Group chat boosted my self confidence by like 200% so here’s my night elf druid before I lose the impulse to post it whoops

the-ahaegao-prince: spiral-seeker: sdzoo: Clouded leopard cubs, Riki-san & Haui-san, terrorize the San Diego Zoo nursery in the cutest way ever. (photos by Bob Worthington) @bramble-star @tevruden




Clouded leopard cubs, Riki-san & Haui-san, terrorize the San Diego Zoo nursery in the cutest way ever. (photos by Bob Worthington)



The angriest lizard

The angriest lizard

kozzdraw: I finally broke down and made another spidernaga after spending an hour watching peacock spiders. Which I blame on a friend reminding me on how much I love them.


I finally broke down and made another spidernaga after spending an hour watching peacock spiders. Which I blame on a friend reminding me on how much I love them.

Unholy Destiny

Locate the Grimoire of the Damned.

Grimoire of Damnation


The greatest heroes on Azeroth have gathered together to face the Burning Legion. But heroes alone cannot save this world.

The salvation of Azeroth will come at a price the living cannot pay. Only upon the shoulders of the dead and damned, will the world of the living be spared.

You shall be their pariah, <name>. Find the Grimoire of Damnation and do what must be done.

Tev’s just like “Find it? How did we lose it?”

Nazgrim the Firstborn






@korkrunchcereal @vaknosh

The Four Horsemen were the most feared of all the scourge lords. The Archlich Kel’Thuzad considered them his greatest creation.

The Four Horsemen are damned souls, shackled in anguish for eternity. They would be powerful allies against the Burning Legion, but few would pay the price for such power.

<Highlord Mograine pauses for a moment before continuing.>

Perhaps there is one… a fallen general of the Horde.

Seek out the resting place of Nazgrim and call him to undeath. He will answer.


And this is from THASSARIAN. I’m guessing Lich King Bolvar’s okay with raising the dead?

I’m lowkey all for this affirmation that death has no meaning

please hate the Scourge because they deserve to be hated

@korkrunchcereal all that remains is to free Skullcrusha

Hahaha YESSSSS.  It’s getting hella spooky in here.