racism isn’t just annoying it is literally traumatizing and a lot of brown and black folk have ptsd from the racism we have experienced. i feel like this isnt taken into account in any racism discussions had by white people and it’s honestly upsetting.
The new four horsemen will be resurrected from the most powerful lore characters: mankrik’s wife, old-ass Terenas menethil, hogger, and the ghost of one of grom’s nipple rings
who you are in high school is not who you will be in college and who you are in college is not who you will be when you are 30.
when you accept that you are malleable and ever-changing, you will be less resistant to new ways of thinking and being and you will grow into the beautiful person you are meant to become.
resist the urge to remain stagnant. there are always things to learn about the world and yourself. let yourself learn them.
Pretty sure I lost two followers because of that post and honestly, I’m totally okay with that. If you honestly believe that reverse racism is a thing, you’re more than welcome to unfollow me or be brave enough to come to me with your stance on why it is a thing.
I don’t mind the discussion, but if your argument is that “a black person or POC was mean to me one time”, then you may want to rethink your position.