
Okay can we stop and take a minute to think about how adorable this picture is though? Like, you got all these kids from a bunch of different warring races just like… Sitting there hanging around a Hearthstone board, all being friends.

And the thing is that they’re out in the middle of pretty much nowhere, which lends credibility to the idea that they kind of just, like, snuck away from parents who almost CERTAINLY disapprove of associating with the ‘enemy’, and yet somehow they met and all became friends despite the fact that they probably grew up their whole lives hearing that murlocs/orcs/humans/trolls/night elves/blood elves are evil and they will kill you if you don’t kill them first.

Forget about Thrall and Garrosh and Jaina and Varian and everyone, THIS is the sort of story I’d like to see elaborated on in-game.